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A and its associated B: AとそのAに関連するB

                                                                                    上智大学 伊藤 潔



 「BがAに関連する」を,"B is associated with A."と表します.「Aに関連するB」 は,"B associated with A"と表します.「AとそのAに関連するB」は,"A and B associated with A"で十分にわかりますが,"A and its associated B"の表現の方がよいようです."its associated B"は,"B associated with it" で,itはAです.

 "design aided by computer"が "computer aided design"となるのと同じつくりで,"B associated with A” が,"A-associated B"になります.「AとそのAに関連するB」は,"A and B associated with A"が,"A and A-associated B"になり,Aが近くで重複しますので,"A and its associated B"になります.(参考: “computer aided”のつくり   YY-specific BB: YYに特有なBB )

 "This chapter begins with describing a fundamental software prototyping method and its associated software tools." は,「本章は,基本的なソフトウェアプロトタイピングの方法とそれに関連するソフトウェアツールの記述から始まる.」ですが,複数の方法を記述しているのならば,"This chapter begins with describing some fundamental software prototyping methods and their associated software tools." になります.

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