
3b 研究会 090801


 上智大学オープンリサーチセンタのプロジェクト3b「Knowledge-Based Information Systems」の研究会を,下記のように開催しますので,ご参加下さい.

2009年8月1日(土) 14:00-16:00
場所:上智大学 3-527A 室


14:00-15:10 Gonsalves Tad "Evolutionary Computation"

Evolutionary Computation is a recent paradigm in computing in which a set of feasible solutions are randomly generated and allowed to evolve into optimal solutions. The evolving strategy is often a mechanism inspired by natural and biological processes. Evolutionary computation is applied to problems with massive search spaces.

15:15-16:00 Yamagishi Kei "Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization 

Objectives in real-life systems are often conflicting. Multi-Objective Optimization is concerned with the simultaneous optimization of the conflicting objectives. The evolutionary approach is promising because it conducts a parallel search without using any problem-dependent heuristics. It produces the so-called Pareto front which represents the non-dominant solutions in a trade-off balance.


   参加される方は,上智大学理工学部情報理工学科 川端(r-kawaba@sophia.ac.jp)までご連絡下さい.